Earthquake Early Warning Sistem

Gain peace of mind with our early earthquake warning system; advanced notice, safety, real-time alerts

Categories: Our Solution

Every second counts. The Earthquake Early Warning System (EEWS) developed by Sanlien can detect earthquakes before they arrive. The advance warning allows people to take action to escape from disasters.

On-site Earthquake Early Warning P-wave Algorithm pALERT S303, which incorporates Earthquake Early Warning technology developed by National Taiwan University Professor Wu Yih-min, is capable of detecting P-waves of an earthquake. It verifies if a catastrophic earthquake is occurring using the P. arrival-3-second algorithm, thereby minimizing damage by sending out warning messages before the arrival of S-waves.

Product Detail Description

  • P-wave Early Warning: Provides early warnings based on P-waves.
  • Device at User’s Locality: The device is located at the user’s locality.
  • Effective Regardless of Epicenter, Magnitude, and Depth of Earthquake: Remains effective regardless of the earthquake’s epicenter, magnitude, or depth.
  • P-wave 3-Second Displacement: Detects P-wave displacements within 3 seconds.
  • pALERT S303 Calculation: Utilizes the pALERT calculation method.
  • Local Intensity: Provides information on local intensity when S-waves arrive.
  • Earthquake Occurs at a Remote Location: Used for earthquakes occurring in remote areas.
  • Seismographs Installed Around the Epicenter: Utilizes seismographs placed around the earthquake’s epicenter.
  • Primary Wave Travels Faster than the Seismic Wave: The primary wave travels faster than the seismic wave.
  • Epicenter, Magnitude, Depth: Provides information on the earthquake’s epicenter, magnitude, and depth.
  • Central Computer Calculation: Calculations are performed by a central computer.
  • Attenuation Formula for Location/Site Effects: Incorporates an attenuation formula to account for location and site effects.
  • Intensity Estimation and Countdown Seconds: Offers intensity estimation and countdown seconds.
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